Queen of Air and Darkness - kapitelnamn

Part 1: Feel No Sorrow
1. Death Looks Down
2. Melancholy Waters
3. Eternal Rest
4. Nothing That Is Ours
5. Wilderness of Glass
6. From a Proud Tower
7. Stone Flowers
8. Long-Forgotten Bowers
9. Up Kingly Halls
10. Many a Marvellous Shrine
11. Some Far Off Happier Sea
12. Beneath the Sky
13. Babylon
14. The Viol, The Violet and the Vine
15. Turrets and Shadows
16. A Thousand Thrones
Part 2: Thule
17. In A Strange City
18. Hell Rising
19. The Jewelled Dead
20. The Hours are Breathing
21. No Rays from Heaven
22. The Worst and the Best
23. That Winds May Be
24. The Long Night Time
25. By Lifting Winds
26. A Stir in the Air
27. Far and Free
Part 3: Lady Vengeance
28. And Shadows There
29. Tempt The Waters
30. The Riches There That Lie
31. A Redder Glow
32. Heaven Come Down
33. Reverence
34. The City In The Sea
35. Epilogue
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