Shadowhunters säsong 3 avsnittsbeskrivning

Meanwhile, Lilith sets a plan in motion in New York City as Simon spends time in the Seelie Court.
3x02 - The Powers That Be
Sändes: 27 mars 2018, i USAThe Warlocks’ magic is becoming corrupted by a demonic presence while Izzy and Luke try to track down more information on the recent series of possessions.
Sändes: 3 april 2018, i USA

3x04 - Thy Soul Instructed
Sändes: 10 april 2018, i USA
Jace’s concerns grow about his mental state and turns to Luke for information on his family’s past. Clary and Izzy go after a rogue vampire and Simon hunts for a new apartment.
3x05 - Stronger Than Heaven
Sändes: 17 april 2018, i USA
Someone is out to get Simon and Jace is on the hunt to find out who it is, meanwhile Clary turns to Luke to find a way to help Jace. Alec worries about the future of his relationship after learning more about Magnus’ romantic past.
3x06 - A Window Into an Empty Room
Sänds: 24 april 2018, i USA
Clary teams up with Magnus to investigate a recent demon attack. Simon is stunned with he’s visited by someone he never thought he’d see again, and who now won’t seem to leave. Meanwhile, Izzy worries about dinner with her family and a special guest and Luke reaches out to Maryse.
3x07 - Salt in the Wound
Sänds: 1 maj 2018, i USA
With the Owl’s identity revealed, Alec, Isabelle, and Clary head to Alicante to try and find a way to stop him. Luke and Simon team up to track Lilith’s latest possible victim. Maia reflects on her past.
3x08 - A Heart of Darkness
Sänds: 8 maj 2018, i USA
Magnus, Alec and Isabelle try to reach Jace inside The Owl, but even as powerful as Magnus is, can he help the Lightwoods retrieve their brother from his demon prison? Maia and Jordan join Simon on the hunt for Lilith, while Luke tries to find a way to get to Clary.
3x09 - Familia Onte Omnia
Sänds: 15 maj 2018, i USA
Clary faces down an old foe in an attempt to find answers about Lilith’s plan. Alec and Magnus turn to Lorenzo Rey for help, while Lilith finds a new ally. Luke must choose between his pack and his family, as Simon is forced to deal with his past.
3x10 - Erchomai
Sänds: 15 maj 2018, i USA
In the climactic mid-season finale, the team scrambles to find a way to put a stop to Lilith’s plan coming to fruition. But going up against their biggest opponent yet, their odds are not looking good. Meanwhile, Simon makes a heartbreaking choice with Isabelle’s help and Magnus reconnects with a powerful person from his past.
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