Shadowhunters intar åter New York Comic-Con

Magic can save you. Magic can kill you. It should be a time of celebration. The Enemy of Death is dead; a severed head proof of his downfall. The magical world has no reason to believe otherwise, and Callum, Tamara and Aaron are celebrated as heroes. But at a party held in their honour, things go horribly, brutally wrong. A fellow student is callously murdered, and it seems Call's worst fears are confirmed: there is a spy in the Magisterium. No one is safe. Now, using the powerful magic they've been taught, the trio must risk their lives to track down the killer. But magic is dangerous - in the wrong hands it could bring terrible destruction. And reveal the deadliest secret of all...
Call’s palms had started to sweat.
Call gritted his teeth and wiped his hands on his pants. Hadn’t Jasper just been testing his Evil Overlordliness? That was what Call needed to focus on. Evil Overlords, even ones who might not remember Evil Overlording, shouldn’t be scared of meeting up with their friends who just happened to be girls. Call was going to be fine. He had this.
With renewed and slightly desperate optimism, he headed toward the tapestry map. He could see Tamara and Aaron, still dancing out on the floor with the others. He wondered if it had occurred to Tamara to ask him to dance, but he knew she would always choose Aaron first. He’d accepted it a long time ago. He didn’t even really mind.
Anyway, Celia had said to come alone. Which he should definitely do if this was going to be about dating. Which he really hoped it wasn’t.
According to the map, the Trophy Room wasn’t far. He headed away from the crowd, through a set of doors and down a marble corridor with small alcoves set into the walls, holding old manuscripts and artifacts. Call liked the clicking sounds his shoes made on the floor as he went. He stopped to peer at an old wristband that must have been the prototype for the one he wore. The leather had been worn thin and several of the stones were missing from their setting. He didn’t recognize the name of the mage who was on the plaque behind it, but the date of his death was 1609, which seemed like a very long time ago.
A few more steps and Call came to the Trophy Room. Over the door, a sign read awards and honors. The door was propped open, so he slipped noiselessly inside.
It was a dim, solemn room, smaller than the main hall. Like the hall, the space was illuminated by an enormous chandelier, this one with blown-glass arms in the shape of octopus tentacles, each sucker dripping with crystals, as though droplets of water clung to them. The walls were covered with a collection of plaques and medallions that must have been given to students at the Collegium.
Call was entirely alone.
He took a turn around the room, glancing at the pictures of mages on the walls, wishing for a window where he could look at a fish or something to pass the time. He was sure Celia would be along in a minute.
After a few more minutes, he decided she wasn’t coming.
He felt unexpectedly glum. If this was his first date, it was a bust.
The snake’s head slithered out of the hole just as Call’s hand skimmed the edge. It was the bright green of poison, with black eyes like two droplets of spilled ink. A tiny orange tongue flicked out, testing the air.
The hair on his arms rose. His skin crawled at the feeling of a snake sliding over him, cool and dry. Was that an illusion? It didn’t feel like an illusion. Every muscle in his body clenched as, against all his instincts, he reached deeper into the safe. He felt around for a moment, encountering more coils of some- thing that felt like smooth rope.
He shuddered involuntarily. Outside the safe, the snake began to wind its way up his arm.
“Anastasia wouldn’t have lied to the Masters, would she?” Call asked in a voice that quavered only a little. “This is an illusion, right?”
“Even if it isn’t, I don’t think you should startle it,” Tamara said, her voice sharp and nervous.
“Tamara!” Aaron scolded. “Call, we’re sure. It’s an illusion. Just keep going. You’re almost there.”
Aaron should probably have been the one to do this, Call thought. Aaron definitely wouldn’t have been seriously considering giving a high-pitched scream and bolting out of the room, not even worrying about the alarm.
But along with that thought came a tiny thread of doubt. If Aaron did want him dead, what better way than to tell Call to do something stupid. What better way than to encourage him to be brave and dumb.
No, Call told himself, Aaron isn’t like that. Aaron’s my friend.
The snake had reached Call’s neck. It started to twine, making itself into a snaky necklace … or a noose.
David's on set!!! Literally the best day ever 🙌🏻 #raphaelsantiago
— David Castro Fans (@DavidCastroFan) 26 augusti 2016
God @DavidLCastro_ we missed so much that charming smile 😍😍😍 Happy to have you back on the set ❤️❤️❤️
— ShadowhuntersTVRus (@ShadowhunterRUS) 27 augusti 2016
Kat, Maxim and Isaiah on location. #ShadowhuntersSeason2
— Bane&Lewis (@baneandlewis) 26 augusti 2016
(via mcnamaraworld | armstronggrip IG)
Denna är kanske inte en bakom kulisserna direkt, men det är tydligen "nationella hund dagen" idag (i USA) och då har Kat delat en bild på sig själv tillsammans med sin hund Sophie:Got to be Peter Pan today at work... ✨ #imflying @shadowhunterstv @FreeformTV
— Katherine McNamara (@Kat_McNamara) 26 augusti 2016
Happy #NationalDogDay from Sophie and me! 🐶❤️
— Katherine McNamara (@Kat_McNamara) 26 augusti 2016
Love this woman! She's the real deal. @Kat_McNamara #Shadowhunters #ShadowhuntersSeason2
— Nicola CorreiaDamude (@NicolaNCD) 25 augusti 2016
oh no! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARY! Here's a bit from LoS:“I haven’t told anyone but you.” Clary looked at Emma anxiously."
— Cassandra Clare (@cassieclare) 23 augusti 2016
Experience Cassandra Clare’s internationally bestselling world of the Shadowhunters like never before with this intricate adult coloring book featuring forty-five all-new illustrations!
From the hallowed halls of the New York Institute to the glimmering glass buildings of Alicante, from the depths of the city of bones to the forests of faerie, the world of Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series comes to life like never before in this stunning coloring book. The forty-five illustrations face text excerpts, highlighting never-before-illustrated scenes from The Mortal Instruments. With gorgeous original black-and-white drawings by Cassandra Jean, illustrator of The Bane Chronicles and Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, The Mortal Instruments Coloring Book is a must-have gift book for every Cassandra Clare fan in your life.
En grov översättning:
Från New York Institutet till glasbyggnaderna i Alicante, från djupet av benstaden till skogen av féer, kommer Cassandra Clares Mortal Instruments serie till liv i en aldrig tidigare sedd målarbok. De 45 illustrationerna kommer att visa aldrig tidigare sedda scener från The Mortal Instruments. Med vackra svart-vita teckningar av Cassandra Jean, illustratören till The Bane Chronicles och Tales from the Shadowhunters Academy, är The Mortal Instruments målarboken ett måste för alla Cassandra Clare fans.
Boken kommer att innehålla 98 sidor och är beräknad av släppas i April 2017, precis som Cassies bok Lord of Shadows, bok 2 i The Dark Artifices serien.
She's Baaaaaaack! #Shadowhunters #MamaMaryse #ShadowhuntersSeason2
— Nicola CorreiaDamude (@NicolaNCD) 13 augusti 2016
What?!? Mama Fray AND Mama Lightwood on set! (Featuring photobomb expert level by @isaiahmustafa) @shadowhunterstv
— Katherine McNamara (@Kat_McNamara) 13 augusti 2016
Team treadmill ➰ @EmeraudeToubia @arosende @ShadowhuntersTV
— Harry Shum Jr (@HarryShumJr) 12 augusti 2016
Day 1 complete! #ShadowhuntersSeason2 ➰👍
— Katherine McNamara (@Kat_McNamara) 9 augusti 2016
Season 2. We back, we back, we back... @ShadowhuntersTV #TestShoot #AcedIt #ThanksForTheTrend
— Harry Shum Jr (@HarryShumJr) 9 augusti 2016
Happy #ShadowhuntersSeason2 day 1 of shooting.
— Alan Van Sprang (@alanvansprang) 8 augusti 2016
Kick some ass, I'll see you tomorrow kids!!!
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......(manical laugh)
#ShadowhuntersSeason2 Here we go! @shadowhunterstv @FreeformTV
— Katherine McNamara (@Kat_McNamara) 8 augusti 2016
Camera test @ShadowhuntersTV 👄! #izzy
— Emeraude Toubia (@EmeraudeToubia) 5 augusti 2016
Meeting of the minds and McG
— Jimmy Warden (@Jimmydoubleyou) 4 augusti 2016
— Jimmy Warden (@Jimmydoubleyou) 4 augusti 2016
Table read for Season 2 🙌
— Dominic Sherwood Fan (@DomSherwoodFan) 4 augusti 2016
The #SHADOWHUNTERS softball team
— Jimmy Warden (@Jimmydoubleyou) 4 augusti 2016
So proud of this intelligent, powerful, hero @Kat_McNamara @ShadowhuntersTV @NephilimUpdates
— McG (@McGsWonderland) 4 augusti 2016
Doin work w @arosende we are building a surprise into a certain lair... @ShadowhuntersTV @NephilimUpdates
— McG (@McGsWonderland) 4 augusti 2016
Puttin in work @ShadowhuntersTV @HarryShumJr @MatthewDaddario @arosende @Kat_McNamara @DomSherwood1 @EmeraudeToubia
— McG (@McGsWonderland) 4 augusti 2016
Big day! First table read of Season 2... ➰ #Shadowhunters @ShadowhuntersTV
— Kirsten Creamer (@kirsten_creamer) 4 augusti 2016
It begins... @MatthewDaddario @ShadowhuntersTV @NephilimUpdates
— McG (@McGsWonderland) 4 augusti 2016
"I hear Decter departed a few days ago and was not present at today’s first table read for Shadowhunters‘ second season. I hear the departure was over creative differences, and the new showrunner(s) are expected to tweak the series’ creative direction for Season 2. In the meanwhile, production is expected to continue as scheduled, with no impact from Decter’s exit."Ni kan läsa hela artikeln på Deadlines hemsida.
Farewell Shadow World! The @ShadowhuntersWR, cast and crew the finest I have ever worked with! Love to our SH FANS, best on earth!
— Ed Decter (@EDecter) 5 augusti 2016
.@Kat_McNamara wants to say thank you at the #TeenChoice Awards. ✌🏼️ #Shadowhunters
— Shadowhunters (@ShadowhuntersTV) 1 augusti 2016
Found these gents @teenchoicefox! @domsherwood @arosende @shadowhunterstv @freeformtv
— Katherine McNamara (@Kat_McNamara) 1 augusti 2016
We can't get enough of this trio. 🙌🔥 #TeenChoice #Shadowhunters
— Shadowhunters (@ShadowhuntersTV) 1 augusti 2016
#MALEC. 💙 #TeenChoice @ShadowhuntersTV
— Freeform (@FreeformTV) 31 juli 2016
This @ShadowhuntersTV trio at the #TeenChoice Awards. 🔥 #Shadowhunters
— Freeform (@FreeformTV) 1 augusti 2016
Kisses from the #TeenChoice Awards! 💋 #Shadowhunters @EmeraudeToubia
— Shadowhunters (@ShadowhuntersTV) 1 augusti 2016
Hi from @arosende, @Kat_McNamara, & @DomSherwood1 from the #TeenChoice teal carpet! #Shadowhunters
— Shadowhunters (@ShadowhuntersTV) 1 augusti 2016
#Shadowhunters fans, thank you for voting for us for #TeenChoice! We love you! #Malec
— Shadowhunters (@ShadowhuntersTV) 31 juli 2016
Found my girl @TeenChoiceFOX @EmeraudeToubia @ShadowhuntersTV @FreeformTV
— Katherine McNamara (@Kat_McNamara) 31 juli 2016
The Lightwoods 🙌 #TeenChoice #Shadowhunters
— Shadowhunters (@ShadowhuntersTV) 31 juli 2016
The oh so handsome @MatthewDaddario is on the teal carpet! #TeenChoice 😍 #Shadowhunters
— Shadowhunters (@ShadowhuntersTV) 31 juli 2016
Thanks to everyone who voted me #choicetvbreakoutstar and #shadowhunters the #choicebreakoutshow . As promised...
— Matthew Daddario (@MatthewDaddario) 1 augusti 2016
Thank u lovely passionate dedicated angels for #TeenChoice #ChoiceTVBreakoutShow!Your love&support made this happen!
— Katherine McNamara (@Kat_McNamara) 1 augusti 2016
So happy that we won Best Breakout Show and congrats to @MatthewDaddario for winning Best Breakout Star!!!#Shadowhunters #TeenChoiceAwards
— Alan Van Sprang (@alanvansprang) 1 augusti 2016