20 Dagar kvar till Shadowhunters säsong 3

A ghost, Kit thought. Like Jessamine. He looked around wildly: surely there would be more ghosts here, their dead feet leaving no traces on the grass?
But he only saw the Blackthorns, clinging together, Emma and Cristina side by side, and Julian with Tavvy in his arms, as the smoke rose up and around them. Half-reluctantly he glanced back: the young man with the dark hair had moved to kneel beside Robert Lightwood’s pyre. He was closer to the flames than any human could have gotten, and they seemed to eddy within the outline of his body, lighting his eyes with fiery tears.
Parabatai, Kit thought, suddenly. In the slump of the young man’s shoulders, in his outstretched hands, in the longing stamped on his face, he saw Emma and Julian, he saw Alec as he spoke about Jace; he knew he was looking at the ghost of Robert Lightwood’s parabatai. He didn’t know how he knew it, but he did.
The Warlocks’ magic is becoming corrupted by a demonic presence while Izzy and Luke try to track down more information on the recent series of possessions.
Jace rose to his feet. “I nominate Alexander Lightwood for the position of Consul.”
In the Season Three premiere of "Shadowhunters," SECRETS abound as the SHADOWHUNTERS and Downworlders try to get back to normal after Valentine's death. Clary struggles with keeping her secret about Raziel's wish, while Alec pushes Jace to come clean about whatever Jace and Clary are hiding. Luke must use tough love to keep his secret hidden from Ollie who is on a war path for answers. And Magnus hides his true feelings about his new position in the Warlock community from Alec.
Meanwhile, Lilith sets a plan in motion in New York City as Simon spends time in the Seelie Court.
Have you heard? #ShadowhuntersSeason3 is back in ONE MONTH. Plus, check back in at 1pm EST TODAY for an all new teaser! @ShadowhuntersTV pic.twitter.com/r1RBLTdKMB
— Katherine McNamara (@Kat_McNamara) 20 februari 2018
The young musician’s violin floated in the water as the mermaid reached down to save him from the shipwreck… Tessa and Jem’s fairytale/Shadowhunters @cassiejp mashup. #shadowhunters #tsc #cassandrajean #jessa Stay tuned for more news about this project!
Ghosts of the Shadow Market
Det här är en serie av noveller som kommer fokusera på Jem/Brother Zachariah. De kommer att bli publicerade som e-böcker, med en novell varje månad mellan April-November 2018. Precis som The Bane Chronicles och Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, är de här novellerna ett samarbete mellan Cassandra och en talangfull grupp av författare som i det här fallet är Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Robin Wasserman, och Kelly Link!
(Alla Ghost of the Shadow Market novellerna kommer att finnas samlade i en tryckt upplaga tillsammans med två extra noveller, som troligen kommer att publiceras under sommaren 2019.)
April 2018: Son of the Dawn, med Sarah Rees Brennan. Utspelar sig år 2000. Jace träffar familjen Lightwood för första gången!
Maj 2018: Cast Long Shadows, med Sarah Rees Brennan. Utspelar sig år 1901. Ett besök till the Shadow Market (skuggmarknaden) förändrar Matthew Fairchilds liv förevigt.
Juni 2018: Every Exquisite Thing, med Maureen Johnson. Utspelar sig tidigt år 1900. Historien om Anna Lightwoods första kärlek!
Juli 2018: Learn about Loss, med Kelly Link. Utspelar sig under 1930-talet. Broder Zachariah besöker en mörk karneval och kommer i kontakt med att kalla på demoner.
Augusti 2018: A Deeper Love, med Maureen Johnson. Utspelar sig under 1940-talet. Tessa Gray och Catarina Loss utger sig för att vara sjuksköterskor för att kunna hjälpa lidande mondäner under andra världskriget.
September 2018: The Wicked Ones, med Robin Wasserman. Utspelar sig år 1989/90. Celine Montclaire möter Valentine Morgenstern för första gången.
Oktober 2018: The Land I Lost, med Sarah Rees Brennan. Utspelar sig år 2012. Alec Lightwood och Lily Chen åker till Buenos Aires för att hjälpa dem med återuppbyggnad efter det mörka kriget, och Alec möter ett skuggjägarebarn som är föräldralöst.
November 2018: Through Blood, Through Fire, med Robin Wasserman. Utspelar sig år 2012. Ett mörkt hot ligger över ett barn av skuggmarknaden, och Jem Carstairs och Tessa Gray är kanske de enda två som kan hjälpa honom.
Kommande böcker:
The Golden Tower (Magisterium 5) - 11 September, 2018
Det här är slutet! Den sista boken i serien! Callum Hunts öde blir bestämt.
Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices 3) - 4 December, 2018
Den sista boken i trilogin blir en början på händelser som kommer att förändra skuggjägarevärlden förevigt.
The Red Scrolls of Magic (The Eldest Curses 1, med Wesley Chu) Mars 2019
Magnus och Alec planerar att åka på en lugn semester efter det mörka kriget. Men de räknade inte med att stöta på stulna minnen, mörka hemligheter, elaka demoner och mordbenägna kultanhängare. Deras Europaresa börjar helt plöstligt lika arbete, men båda två har beslutat sig för att tycka om det!
Ghosts of the Shadow Market tryckt upplaga - Finns inget exakt datum ännu, men troligen Sommaren 2019
Chain of Gold (The Last Hours 1) - Finns inget exakt datum ännu, troligen någongång mellan September-November 2019
Det här början på en ny skuggjägaretrilogi som utspelar sig under den Edwardianska eran! Där vi får möta barn till Tess, Will och andra karaktärer från serien The Infernal Devices, som har växt upp under en mindre skrämmande värld än deras föräldrar. Men oroligheter bubblar under ytan av deras båtfester och baler. Hämnd, fördomar och besatthet ligger under ytan i deras värld, och en mystisk sjukdom har börjat att ta död på Skuggjägare...
The Lost Book of the White (The Eldest Curses 2) - Troligen Mars 2020
Magnus och Alec trodde att händelserna på deras för-händelserika-semester var långt bakom dem. Men gamla vänner och fiender finns kvar och historien fortsätter...
Chain of Iron (The Last Hours 2) - Kommer troligen släppas under Hösten (September-November) 2020
Historien om James, Lucie, Cordelia och deras vänner fortsätter.
2021: Efter det här blir det lite otydligt. Releasedatum är inte fastsatta så här långt fram, men vi har fortfarande kvar The Last Hours 3, The Eldest Curses 3, och Sword Catcher som finns vid horisonten!
Vilka böcker ser ni mest fram emot att få läsa nu när ni även vet lite om vad de kommer att handla om? Jag längtar sjukt mycket efter Malec böckerna och The Last Hours trilogin. Jag borde väl även säga Queen of Air and Darkness, men jag är rädd för vem eller vilka som kommer att dö i den boken och jag vet inte om jag är redo för det! o_o
“You hated the Shadow Market in London,” Kit said. “It really bothered you. The noises, and the crowd —“
Ty’s gaze flicked down to Kit. “I’ll wear my headphones. I’ll be all right.”
“…and I don’t know if we should go again so soon,” Kit added. “What if Helen and Aline get suspicious?”
Ty’s gaze darkened. “Julian told me once,” he said, “that when people keep coming up with reasons not do something, it’s because they don’t want to do it. Do you not want to do this?”
Ty’s voice sounded tight. The thrumming wire again, sharp with tension. Under the cotton of his shirt, his too-thin shoulders had tightened as well. The neck of his shirt was loose, the delicate line of his collarbones just visible.
Kit felt a rush of tenderness toward Ty, mixed with near-panic. In other circumstances, he thought, he would just have lied. But he couldn’t lie to Ty.
In the Season Three premiere of "Shadowhunters," SECRETS abound as the SHADOWHUNTERS and Downworlders try to get back to normal after Valentine's death. Clary struggles with keeping her secret about Raziel's wish, while Alec pushes Jace to come clean about whatever Jace and Clary are hiding. Luke must use tough love to keep his secret hidden from Ollie who is on a war path for answers. And Magnus hides his true feelings about his new position in the Warlock community from Alec.
Meanwhile, Lilith sets a plan in motion in New York City as Simon spends time in the Seelie Court.
The Lightwoods, the Shadowhunters who run the New York Institute, are expecting a new addition to their family: the orphaned son of their father’s friend, Jace Wayland. Alec and Isabelle aren’t too sure they want a new brother, and their parents are not assuaging their fears, too occupied with the dark news that Raphael Santiago, second-in-command of the New York vampire clan, has brought from the Shadow Market.
“Great,” said a voice from the back of the group. “Because I want to talk to Alexander Lightwood in private.”
Helen Blackthorn stepped away from the crowd and stood, her arms crossed, staring Alec down.
Aline froze, staring. Alec’s first impulse was to run and jump out the window. Then he remembered how high above the ground they were.
Helen herded him into the records room, which jutted out from the side of the Rome Institute so there were windows on all sides, and only one door. Aline followed them. She had gone entirely quiet and was being no help. Leon followed along, giving Alec a little wave.
Helen stood in front of the only exit, and said:
“So, Alec. First you refuse to come to Rome for questioning, then you hightail it out of Venice from the scene of a crime, and head for Rome under your own steam. Rome, which is where our informant Mori Shu told us the cult of the Crimson Hand was headed. That was the last piece of information we received from him, before he was found dead.”
“Are you following me?” Alec asked.
“I don’t have to follow you,” said Helen. “Wherever you go, you leave a trail of dead bodies and collapsed mansions! Where is Magnus Bane? What happened in Venice?”
Helen was clearly about to level several more questions when Aline waved a hand in between them. “Excuse me.”
“What!” Helen seemed to notice her for the first time. Their eyes met.
“Hey,” said Aline.
There was a momentary pause.
“Hi,” said Helen.
More silence followed.
“Sorry,” said Alec. “I was too busy getting interrogated to make proper introductions. Helen Blackthorn, this is Aline Penhallow. Aline, this is Helen.”
“And I’m Leon,” said Leon. Aline did not even glance at him.
Helen kept staring at Aline. Alec wondered if she was suspicious of her as well.
“Right,” Helen muttered at last. “Anyway, I have questions.”
“I have a question too,” said Aline, and swallowed. “Who do you think you are, Helen Blackthorn, and why are you talking to my friend as if he’s a criminal?”