Cassandra Clare hoppas att fans kommer tycka att COHF är ett bra slut

Publicerat: 2013-11-30, 19:02:41 i Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire, Lady Midnight, The Dark Artifices, The Mortal Instruments,

I en ny intervju gjord av TMI Source, pratar Cassandra Clare om City of Heavenly Fire, sjätte och sista boken i The Mortal Instruments serien. Hon hoppas att fansen kommer tycka att det är ett passande och bra slut på serien. I nuläget kan Cassandra endast säga följande om sista boken, en bok som en del fans är rädda för att läsa efter att det kom ut att inte mindre än 6 karaktärer som vi vet namnen på kommer att dö i boken:
“I understand why they’re scared,” she said. “It’s the last book in the series. That’s sort of the ‘all gloves are off’ book in which pretty much anything can happen. There’s obviously a lot at stake. As I’m sort of wrapping it up now, there are sad parts, there are happy parts, there are funny parts, hopefully there are exciting parts. I hope that people will find it to be a good and fitting kind of coda to the end of the story of Jace, Clary, Simon, Isabelle, Alec and the rest of them. I really hope they’ll like it. There’s nothing more I can do at this point because I sort of feel like, I wrote the best books I could and this is what I envisioned for the characters, this is how it feels right for them to end.”
Cassandra har redan börjat skriva på första boken, Lady Midnight, i nästa serie The Dark Artifices som kommer att släppas i Mars 2015.
“Part of the fun part of writing The Dark Artifices has been writing in some of the new characters that will be in the next series,” she said. “I’m hoping people will get to know Emma and Julian and the Blackthorns and the Carstairs of the modern world and get to like them.”
Enligt Cassandra så kommer troligen det officiella omslaget till City of Heavenly Fire att släppas under Januari 2014.
Vill ni läsa hela intervjun kan ni göra det på TMI Sources hemsida.

[Video] Skådespelarna om deras olika stilar när de slåss i City of Bones

Publicerat: 2013-11-27, 22:09:50 i City of Bones, Jamie Campbell Bower, Kevin Zegers, The Mortal Instruments, Video,

Ett nytt bakom kulisserna klipp som kommer finnas med på extra materialet till DVD och blu-ray utgåvan av City of Bones (om det kommer att finnas med på den svenska utgåvan är i nuläget oklart), där bla. skådespelarna pratar om deras olika stilar de har när de slåss.
Mortal Instrumets: Stad av Skuggor släpps på Blu-Ray och DVD 18 December i Sverige.

Cassandra Clare om City of Ashes filmen & vad hon saknade i City of Bones

Publicerat: 2013-11-26, 22:18:48 i Cassandra Clare, City of Ashes, City of Bones, The Mortal Instruments,

Cassandra Clare har äntligen börjat prata om City of Ashes, uppföljaren till City of Bones, som kommer att börja spelas in under 2014.
MTV fick en pratstund med Cassandra och hon säger följande om City of Ashes:
"Simon (Robert Sheehan) is turned into a vampire," Clare teases, "And he goes from being this human who's Clary's friend to this ravenous undead thing." Clare adds that she pushed for Sheehan in the role, with early discussions about his casting centering on how right he'd look stalking the night and sucking blood. "Robbie was actually my idea," she says. "I saw him in 'Misfits,' which is a big comedy hit in Britain, and he's just so good and yet also able to be heartbreaking and I thought he'll be great and he will enjoy the hell out of being a vampire."
What else can fans expect from "City of Ashes?" Well, Sigourney Weaver is joining the series as the Inquisitor. Describing the previously-announced casting, Clare says the character is "This badass, scary lady" that fans can expect to enjoy. Although she's sworn to secrecy about any other details for the adaptation, Clare says there's a massive battle on the deck of a warship capping the second story that she's excited to see onscreen.
Det fans även vissa saker som Cassandra saknade i City of Bones bland annat följande:
Clare says she had some "small" notes such as realizing that the character of Isabelle (Jemima West) went the entire movie without being named.
"In the books, the motorcycles can fly, and they didn't want to do flying motorcycles. We went back and forth on whether we should imply they can fly [laughs]."
Vill ni läsa hela intervjun kan ni göra det på MTVs hemsida.

Bild snippet från City of Heavenly Fire

Publicerat: 2013-11-21, 18:49:39 i City of Heavenly Fire, The Mortal Instruments,

Efter att vi igår fick ett nytt citat från City of Hevanly Fire så har Cassandra Jean ritat en kort bildserie utifrån scenen som hör till det citatet. Ni kan ju se resultatet nedan.

Snippet from City of Heavenly Fire

cassandraclare sent me this scene to read. And I read it. And then I cried. And then I ran back to her begging her to let me draw a part of the scene into a comic and she said yes! So I did.

So I can’t say anything more about the scene but it’s glorious!


Nytt citat från City of Heavenly Fire

Publicerat: 2013-11-20, 22:05:05 i Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire, The Mortal Instruments,

Cassandra har delat ett nytt citat från City of Heavenly Fire, sjätte och avslutande delen i The Mortal Instruments-serien.
A parabatai. Like he was. And Jace knew, too, what that faded rune meant: a parabatai whose other half was dead. He felt his sympathy leap toward Brother Zachariah, as he imagined himself without Alec, with only that faded rune to remind him where once he had been bonded to someone who knew all the best and worst parts of his soul.
Ah, vad tror ni detta betyder?

Köp The Bane Chronicles #8

Publicerat: 2013-11-19, 18:24:49 i The Bane Chronicles,

Från idag kan ni köpa e-boken What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (And Who You’re Not Officially Dating Anyway), som är den 8 delen av 10 i The Bane Chronicles-serien.

Magnus Bane may or may not be dating Alec Lightwood, but he definitely needs to find him the perfect birthday present.

Set in the time between City of Ashes and City of Glass, warlock Magnus Bane is determined to find the best birthday present possible for Alec Lightwood, the Shadowhunter he may or may not be dating. And he’s also got to deal with the demon he’s conjured up for a very irritating client . . .

Via amazon kan man ladda ner deras app (Kindle Reader) till sin smartphone/läsplatta och sedan köpa boken så laddas den automatiskt in i appen. Ganska smart och det bästa är att det går att köpa och läsa även för oss som bor i sverige.
Ni kan köpa #8 - What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (And Who You’re Not Officially Dating Anyway) via följande länkar. Den kostart runt 19-20 SEK, via Amazon.

Alla omslag till e-böckerna kommer ju tillsammans att bilda en hel bild som kommer att vara runt omslaget till boken som kommer att innehålla alla e-böcker. Just nu ser bilden ut på fölajnde sätt:

Lily Collins väntar på en Mortal Instruments uppföljare

Publicerat: 2013-11-13, 18:15:25 i City of Ashes, Lily Collins, The Mortal Instruments, intervju,

MTV intervjuade Lily under Glamour Women of the Year Awards och hon säger att hon inte vet när inspelningen för Stad av Aska kommer att starta. Men att fansen kommer att få veta när hon får reda på det.
Det verkar i alla fall som att hon vill återvända till rollen som Clary, så vi får hoppas på att även de andra skådespelarna också vill och kan återvända till sina roller när inspelningarna drar igång under 2014.

Bokomslag för The Bane Chronicles #8

Publicerat: 2013-11-12, 19:16:16 i The Bane Chronicles,

EW har släppt bokomslaget till åttonde delen i The Bane Chronicles, som har namnet What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (And Who You’re Not Officially Dating Anyway). Releasedatum för denna e-bok är 19 november.
Boken kommer att handla om följande:

Magnus Bane may or may not be dating Alec Lightwood, but he definitely needs to find him the perfect birthday present.

Set in the time between City of Ashes and City of Glass, warlock Magnus Bane is determined to find the best birthday present possible for Alec Lightwood, the Shadowhunter he may or may not be dating. And he’s also got to deal with the demon he’s conjured up for a very irritating client . . .


[Bilder] Lily på Flaunt Magazine Party

Publicerat: 2013-11-09, 17:21:49 i Lily Collins,

Lily Collins var på Flaunt Magazine Party, den 7 november, tillsammans med Chord Overstreet från Glee.
Hiss eller diss på hennes klänning?
Själv måste jag nog säga diss, tycker inte alls att den passade på henne.

Dagens GIF

Publicerat: 2013-11-07, 17:32:29 i Dagens GIF,

Det är lite dåligt med uppdateringar som ni nog märker. Därför får ni idag en Dagens GIF med Clary.

Snippet från The Bane Chronicles - What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything

Publicerat: 2013-11-03, 22:06:27 i Cassandra Clare, The Bane Chronicles,

Cassandra har delat ett nytt snippet från kommande e-boken i The Bane Chronicles What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything:

“How have you been keeping? You know, since the last time you summoned me,” said Elyaas, the demon.

“What?” Magnus asked.

“You don’t remember me?” said the tentacle demon.

“I summon a lot of demons,” Magnus said weakly.

There was a long pause. Magnus stared into the bottom of his coffee cup and desperately willed more coffee to appear. This was something a lot of mundanes did too, but Magnus had one up on those suckers. His mug did slowly fill again, until it was brimming with rich dark liquid. He sipped and looked at Elyaas, who was shifting uncomfortably from tentacle to tentacle.

“Well,” said Elyaas. “This is awkward.”

“It’s nothing personal,” said Magnus.

“Maybe if I jogged your memory,” Elyaas suggested helpfully. “You summoned me when you were searching for a demon who cursed a Shadowhunter? Bill Herondale?”

“Will Herondale,” said Magnus.

Elyaas snapped his tentacles as if they were fingers. “I knew it was something like that.”

“You know,” Magnus said, enlightened, “I think I do remember. I’m sorry about that. I realized right away that you weren’t the demon I was looking for. You looked kind of blue in one of the drawings, but obviously you are not blue, and I was wasting your time. You were pretty understanding about it.”

“Think nothing of it.” Elyaas waved a tentacle. “These things happen. And I can look blue. You know, in the right light.”

“Lighting’s important, it’s true,” said Magnus.

“So whatever happened with Bill Herondale and that curse a blue demon put on him?” The cecaelia demon’s interest seemed genuine.

“Will Herondale,” Magnus said again. “It’s actually rather a long story.”

“You know, sometimes we demons pretend we’re cursing people and we don’t really do it,” said Elyaas chattily. “Like, just for kicks? It’s kind of a thing with us. Did you know that?”

“You could have mentioned it a century or two ago,” Magnus observed frostily.

Elyaas shook his head, smiling a slime-bedecked smile. “The old pretend-to-curse. It’s a classic. Very funny.” He appeared to notice Magnus’s unimpressed expression for the first time. “Not from your perspective, of course.”

“It wasn’t funny for Bill Herondale!” said Magnus. “Oh, damn it. Now you’ve got me doing it.”

— from What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything

What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything släpps 19 november.

Ny månadens fråga

Publicerat: 2013-11-02, 18:23:51 i Bloggen,

Tänkte det var dax att ge er en ny månadens fråga. Förra frågan valde jag att ha uppe tills vi hade åtminstone 100 röster, vilket vi har fått nu. Tack alla som röstade.
Flest (85 st) tyckte filmen var jättebra och gav den betyget 5.
Med anledningen av att The Shadowhunter's Codex släpptes denna vecka så lyder november-månads fråga helt enkelt: Har ni läst/kommer ni att läsa boken The Shadowhunter's Codex?
Ni hittar frågan i menyn till höger.