Nytt citat från "Red Scrolls of Magic" med Alec & Izzy

“What was that noise?” Alec asked, mildly alarmed.
“Oh, it’s just Jace,” Isabelle said dismissively. “Hands off, Jace! He called me.”
“No, the sound like a thousand trashcan lids falling out of the sky.”
“Oh, Jace was swinging a big axe on a chain when you called,” Isabelle said. “Jace! Your axe is stuck in the wall. Don’t worry about unimportant things, Alec. Update me on the important stuff. How is Magnus, and I don’t mean his wellbeing?“
Alec coughed.
“I mean, how are his skills, and I’m not talking about the magical ones,” Isabelle clarified.
“I understand what you mean!” said Alec.
Alec did not exactly have an answer for Isabelle on that particular topic. When he and Magnus had been dating in New York, there had been several times when Alec really wanted to take things farther, but he wasn’t sure of how he felt. He was scared by the immensity of how much he felt. They had only ever made out. Magnus had never pushed. Then the war came, and after the war Magnus asked him on vacation to Europe, and Alec said yes. Alec had presumed they both understood that meant Alec was ready to go anywhere and do anything with Magnus. He was nervous, but he wanted to try all of it: having a future together, going as far as they could go, in every sense of the word.
Only Magnus had not made a move. Magnus was always so careful with Alec. In this case, Alec wished he was being less careful, because Alec was not very good at conversations, especially awkward conversations about feelings—which were all conversations about feelings—and he could not work out how to ask.
Surely Magnus wanted to. Didn’t he?