Tre citat från "Queen of Air and Darkness"

ariadnebridgestock asked:
Hii Cassie! Is it worth noting that both Mark and Cristina didn't go for their usual weapons, with Mark popularly assumed to be holding Izzy's whip in the stunning new art of them fighting together in QOAAD? Or no?
I can give you a snippet of the weapons scene —
“They collected their weapons from the bed of the truck, snapping on wrist protectors and buckling weapons belts. Cristina strapped her trusted balisong to her belt, while Mark found a runed black whip and cracked it a few times: he wore a look of pleasure on his face as it snaked across the darkening sky.”
It’s not Izzy’s whip, just a whip. Izzy’s got hers and she does wield it in the book! And Cristina does have her balisong with her.
elliesrileys asked:
Is there anything happy or sweet about Emma and Julian in QOAAD that you can tell us?
Yep, though I’m going to wind up this Q&A — it’s been fun and I have way more questions than I can handle at all! This is a book with a lot of epic happiness and epic sadness, but here’s a sweet moment:“We have a lot of allies,” Julian said, sounding surprised.
Emma stuck her tongue out at him. “We have a lot of friends, Julian,” she said. “We have a lot of friends.”
whisperthorns asked:
Hi Cassie! can you please give us a snippet of Kit, Ty, and Dru interacting? I love them so much and can't wait to see how they will grow closer in TWP.
Ty touched his hand absently to the locket at his throat. “That was good. You did a really good job, Dru.”“Yep.You kept your cool,” said Kit. He glanced up and down the street. “I’d suggest we go get milkshakes or something to celebrate but this is kind of a dark alley situation.”
“Shadowhunters don’t worry about dark alleys,” said Dru.
“Have you learned nothing from the death of Batman’s parents?” said Kit, feigning shock.
Ty smiled. And for the first time since Livvy had died, Dru laughed.
(And that’s it for now…back later with more answers to more things…:)
Alltså shit vad jag vill läsa boken NU!