Cassandra Clare delar två nya citat

Publicerad 2018-07-02 22:39:44 i Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold, Citat, Queen of Air and Darkness, The Dark Artifices, The Last Hours,

Cassandra Clare har varit väldigt generös under juni-månad då hon gett oss en hel del med citat för att fira Pride-månaden. Även om vi nu är inne i Juli så har Cassie gett oss två sista citat med några av hennes LGBTQ-karaktärer.
Det första citatet är från Queen of Air and Darkness med Mark och Kieran - två bisexuella karaktärer i serien The Dark Artifices:

“We might as well talk, Mark,” Kieran said. A bright moon had risen; it illuminated the dark ocean, turned it to a sheet of black and silver glass, the colors of Kieran’s eyes. The night desert was alive with the sound of cicadas. Kieran was walking beside Mark with his hands looped behind him, deceptively human-looking in jeans and t-shirt. He had drawn the line at donning any gear. “It does us no good to ignore each other.”

“I have missed you,” Mark said. There seemed no point in not being honest. “Nor did I intend to ignore you, or to hurt you. I apologize.”

Kieran looked up, a surprised flash under dark lashes. “There is no need to apologize.” He hesitated. “I have had, as you say here in the mortal world, a lot on my mind.”

Mark hid a smile in the dusk. It was irritatingly cute when Kieran used modern phrases.


Det andra citatet är från Chain of Gold - den första boken i trilogin The Last Hours, där vi kommer att få läsa om Anna Lightwood - som är könsobestämd och som hellre klär sig som en man än som en kvinna i London i början av 1900-talet.

Anna’s deep-blue eyes narrowed as she studied him. James was sitting on the edge of his chair, hands clasped together and leaning forward in Anna’s direction. These cousins looked more like brother and sister than James and Lucie, or Anna and Christopher. James’s face was chiseled and serious, while Anna’s features were sharp and roguish, but they shared the same coloring of crow-black hair and snow-white skin. More than that, both had an air of cleverness that seemed thrown up as a defense against sensitivity, sharp minds that shut away hearts too easily broken. Seeing the similarity made Cordelia wonder what had happened to Anna, and fear what might happen to James.

Anna flicked an eyebrow upward, a scratch of ink dashed across a page. “Ah yes, about that. Let me be perfectly clear what you are asking: you want me to seduce a pretty warlock in order to procure you an [item redacted for spoilers!]?”

Anna surveyed the room, and when she was answered with cautious nods she threw her hands into the air.

“You are off your heads, every one of you.”

“Can you not do it?” Thomas asked apprehensively.

Anna toyed with her watch chain so the chain caught the light and glittered. “Oh, I daresay I could.”

There was a collective moan lamenting Thomas’s stupidity in asking such a question. Lucie told Thomas he was a dolt. Thomas begged Anna’s pardon.

“Not at all, Thomas, I know you’re an innocent soul. That said,” Anna drawled, “I take many issues with your request. For a start, it is against my strict policy to seduce anybody twice.”

“Every outlaw must have a code,” James said.

Vem älskar inte dessa nya karaktärer från Cassie?
Jag hoppas att ni lika mycket som jag har uppskattat dessa citat från Cassies kommande böcker och noveller.


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