Nya bilder från Shadowhunters - Clary & Isabell

A new still from the second episode of Shadowhunters has surfaced, which features our lead heroine Clary (Katherine McNamara) with the Silent Brothers in the City of Bones.
The shot was featured in a Variety article which discussed the new wave of genre adaptations on television, after the likes of GAME OF THRONESand The Walking Dead have provenSUCCESSFUL.
Here’s an excerpt featuring Shadowhunters:
Producers need to do more than pay lip service to a fandom and instead identify what makes a story unique, as demonstrated by the failed film adaptation of Cassandra Clare’s “The Mortal Instruments” novels. A proposedMOVIE franchise was scrapped after the firstINSTALLMENT, “City of Bones,” grossed only $31 million domestically, resulting in a TV reboot, ABC Family’s “Shadowhunters.”
Showrunner Ed Decter says Clare’s books “lend themselves so much more to television than a single movie” and hopes fans will embrace the property on the smallscreen. “We’re excited for the opportunity to go sideways a little with the story, expanding things in the books that you had to exclude in order to do the movie.”