Stad av Glas - Smygläsning 6
Lär känna några av karaktärerna från The Last Hours
After the The Last Hours announcement yesterday (the day before? Sometime..) I thought you might like to see/get to know a few of the prominent characters. Cassandra Jean drew these for me months ago, back when I was still solidifying some of the plot outlines and character details. You can also find most of these names on the family tree and identify their connections. Let’s start with …
Cordelia Carstairs. Bit of a scapegrace and ever since she was ten she’s had a sort of a crush on
James Herondale, who is parabatai with
the always-delightful Matthew Fairchild, and has a very odd relationship with Tatiana’s Blackthorn’s ward
Grace Blackthorn, whose brother Jesse Blackthorn may or may not be dead
a mystery that occupies the busy brain of writer
Lucie Herondale, whose father would really prefer she marry
Alastair Carstairs, Cordelia’s older brother. Shown with Cortana — looks like Elias did as Tessa suggested and passed it down to his own children after all.Alastair is best friends with
Charles Fairchild, who you may remember as Potentially Buford from Clockwork Princess. Charles would like to be the next Consul, alas, and Henry finds he rather gets along better with Cecily and Gabriel’s son
who is the younger brother of the ever so sophisticated
Anna Lightwood.
Vad tycker ni/tror ni om dessa karaktärer? Tror ni att ni kommer att gilla dem lika mycket som karaktärerna i TMI-serien?
En massa spoilers för COHF

Har ni inte heller läst The Infernal Devices serien så borde ni nog inte heller klicka på länken nedan, om ni inte vill bli spoilade vill säga. ;)
"Magnus is my favorite character because he's a party guy. Magnus has a vulnerable and unusual heart inside for a warlock." #PreviousRT
— Dutch Nephilim (@TMI_Holland) 22 februari 2014
Cassie's favorite female character is Tessa. #PreviousRT
— Dutch Nephilim (@TMI_Holland) 22 februari 2014
Isabelle is based on Cassie's grandmother. She is beautiful, strong, valiant, and I have always admired her. #PreviousRT
— Dutch Nephilim (@TMI_Holland) 22 februari 2014
There is still no news of the shooting of CoA, and Cassie is also waiting for any news. #PreviousRT
— Dutch Nephilim (@TMI_Holland) 22 februari 2014
Stad av Glas - Smygläsning 5
Cassandra delar ett nytt citat från City of Heavenly Fire

Julian’s skin was cold, as if he’d been leaning out the window into the night air. She turned his hand and drew with her finger on his bare forearm. It was something they’d done since they were small children and didn’t want to get caught talking during lessons. Over the years they’d gotten so good at it that they could map out detailed messages on each other’s hands, arms, even their shoulders through their T-shirts.
D-I-D Y-O-U E-A-T? she spelled out.
Julian shook his head, still staring at Livvy and Ty. His curls were sticking up in tufts as if he’d been raking his hands through his hair. She felt his fingers, light on her upper arm. N-O-T H-U-N-G-R-Y.
Flera skuggjägare i The Last Hours - trilogin

Bok 1: Chain of Thorns (beräknad att släppas under 2017)
Bok 2: Chain of Gold
Bok 3: Chain of Iron
Cassie har också delat ett citat från Chain of Thorns:
“For as long as Lucie Herondale can remember, the Herondale family manor has adjourned the manor of the Blackthorns.It’s too bad that Tatiana Blackthorn, the matriarch of the family, has always been, as her father Will Herondale says, “mad as a mouse trapped in a teapot.” Since the day that her father Benedict murdered Tatiana’s husband, and was killed in turn by a group of Shadowhunters that included both her brothers, Tatiana has nursed a burning grudge against the London Institute and all its inhabitants, especially Will, Tessa and their children: Lucie and her brother, James …”
Vad tycker ni om titel THE LAST HOURS? Vad tror ni kommer att hända i dessa böckerna och ser ni fram emot att få läsa ytterligare en serie av Cassandra Clare?
Sneak Peek från sista The Bane Chronicles e-boken

The kiss caught fire and all he could see behind his closed eyes were gold sparks, all he was aware of was Alec’s mouth, Alec’s strong gentle hands that had held down a werewolf and tried not to hurt her, Alec pressing him against the banister so the rotten wood creaked alarmingly and Magnus did not even care. Alec here, Alec now, the taste of Alec in his mouth, his hands pushing aside the fabric of his own worn t-shirt to get at Alec’s bare skin underneath.
Boken med alla The Bane Chronicles böckerna kommer att släppas 11 november.
Stad av Glas - Smygläsning 4
Jamie Campbell Bower på Elle Style Awards 2014
Jamie Campbell Bower på Burberry Womenswear AW14 Show

Vad det verkar som i interjvun så är det en film. Frågan är om det kan vara City of Ashes?
Nytt citat från City of Heavenly Fire - The Mortal Sword
källa“Julian,” said Jia, in the same gentle voice, “would you do something for us? Would you take up the Mortal Sword?”
Clary sat up straight. She had held the Mortal Sword: she had felt the weight of it. The cold, like hooks in your skin, dragging the truth out of you. You couldn’t lie holding the Mortal Sword, but the truth, even a truth you wanted to tell, was agony.
“They can’t,” she whispered. “He’s just a kid —“
“He’s the oldest of the kids who escaped the Institute,” Jace said under his breath. “They don’t have a choice.”
Julian nodded, his thin shoulders straight. “I’ll take it.”
Robert Lightwood passed behind the podium then and went to the table. He took up the sword and returned to stand in front of Julian. The contrast between them was almost funny: the big, barrel-chested man and the lanky, wild-haired boy.
Julian reached a hand up and took the sword. As his hand closed around the hilt, he shuddered, a ripple of pain that was quickly forced down. Emma, behind him, started forward, and Clary caught a glimpse of the look on her face — pure fury — before Helen caught at her and pulled her back.
Stad av Glas - Smygläsning 3
Lily Collins på Lancome Pre BAFTA Party

The Bane Chronicles släpps i bokform 11 November

Jamie Campbell Bower på omslaget till Hunger Magazine
Stad av Glas - Smygläsning 2

Dagens bild
Bilder & Video från Lily Collins Lancome kampanj

Läs de första sidorna ur Stad av Glas.

25 Februari kommer vi få reda på vad TLH står för
On February 25…
You’ll be finding out what TLH stands for.
- Serien kommer att utspela sig runt år 1903
- Serien kommer att följa nästa generation av skuggjägare efter The Infernal Devices
- Några av karaktärerna i TLH finns med i The Bane Chronicles
- Huvudkaraktärerna i TLH är 16 och 17 år gamla
- Cassie om när TLH skulle kunna släppas: “Jag vet inte, jag vill helst jobba på något utan att ha en deadline. Så allt jag kan säga är att jag jobbar på den.”
- Serien kommer att ha en "ovanlig" kärlekstriangel, där det kommer att vara två tjejer och en kille
Dagens GIF
[Video] Mortal Instruments Stad av Skuggor Extra material - Cast Roundtable
Vinnarna i tävlingen om Stad av Skuggor och Stad av Aska
Om någon av vinnarna inte svarar på e-mailet, kommer en ny vinnare att utses.
Sista dagen att tävla om Stad av Skuggor och Stad av Aska!

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3 dagar kvar att tävla om Stad av Skuggor & Stad av Aska!