Extra material i US-utgåvan av City of Heavenly Fire

There will be an illustration printed on the inside cover of the North American first editions of City of Heavenly Fire. There are of course two figures on the proper cover of the book, but other characters, some who we’ve never seen on covers before, will be on the inside of the first edition’s jacket.
And that’s all I can say right now …
Cassandra skrev ytterligare ett inlägg om att hon inte vet vad det brittiska bokförlaget som säljer hennes böcker i England kommer att ha för extra material. Men hon skriver att hon tror att det troligen kommer att finnas något extra material i första utgåvan av boken.
I’m sure Walker UK will want to do something special for CoHF but right now I don’t know what. I have information only about the North American hardback first edition. I don’t have info about anything that might be available in any other language or version or country right now.
What the CoHF special first edition cover offers is basically a chance to see Cliff (the cover artist who has done all my covers) do his take on characters that would otherwise not make it onto covers, especially since this is the last book about them.