Ny promobild för City of Bones
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Tarot Kort - Cristina Rosales & Jaime

We’ve moved on from the Major Arcana to the minor Arcana — the first suit is the suit of Rings, which takes the place of the suit of Pentacles. The Three of Rings shows Cristina and Jaime Rosales from The Dark Artifices. Cassandra Jean has included Cristina’s pendant and Jaime’s crossbow, and the rose-pattern ring of the Rosales family.
Jamie and Cristina are not brother and sister. Interestingly, the Four of Pentacles is a card that can be about fear of love: losing it, or getting it. :)
Citat från Stad av Skuggor
Clary blir vittne till hur tre ungdomar med konstiga tatueringar och vapen (tjejen har piska!) dödar en kille inne på klubben. Om det nu är en ”kille”. Han ser väldigt konstig ut på slutet och hans kropp försvinner utan blodspår.
MTV: Meet Jace
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Tarot Kort - Simon Lewis, Maia Roberts & Jordan Kyle

Knocking off two here with the Sun card and the Moon card. The Sun becomes the Daylighter, Simon, and the Moon, for probably kind of obvious reasons, becomes the Lycanthropes, Maia and Jordan. I think Simon is leaning on a sundial. First I thought it was a tree trunk, but I’m pretty sure it’s a sundial. As it says on the sundial in Lost Souls, I only count the hours that shine.
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones på ETs "Summer Previews"
Tarot Kort - Seelie Queen & Meliorn

We’ve moved on from the Major Arcana to the minor Arcana — the first suit is the suit of Rings, which takes the place of the suit of Pentacles. The Ace of Rings shows Meliorn and the Seelie Queen: the rings are the gold leaf rings the Seelie Queen gives to Clary and Simon in Lost Souls so they can hear each other’s thoughts.
All the Rings in this suit are family rings except this card, and one other.
Citat från Stad av Skuggor

Det är en vanlig söndagskväll och sommarlov. Clary Fray har fått med sig sin bästa vän Simon till klubben hon gillar, Pandemonium. Men det blir allt annat än en vanlig kväll, det blir början på Clarys nya liv.
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Tarot Kort - Emma & John Carstairs

We’ve moved on from the Major Arcana to the minor Arcana — the first suit is the suit of Rings, which takes the place of the suit of Pentacles. The Two of Rings shows two generations of Carstairs: Emma and her father, who plays the family violin. (You can see the name of the second owner etched on the case.) Emma’s father actually does play it; not every generation of Carstairs is musical. Emma is not particularly. It’s a bit of a bittersweet picture since we know small Emma will lose her father in some short number of years.
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Tarot Kort - Jace Wayland & Sebastian Verlac

We’ve moved on from the Major Arcana to the minor Arcana — the first suit is the suit of Rings, which takes the place of the suit of Pentacles. The Two of Rings shows the Wayland ring and the Verlac ring. The Wayland symbol is horseshoes, because of Wayland the Smith (who gets a brief mention in Clockwork Princess as having forged Cortana) and Verlac is a serpent because, well, ver in French is serpent or worm. (Lac = lake.)
I like what Cassandra Jean did here with Jace and Sebastian: they’re basically presented as yin and yang, darkness and light. I like the masks as well, one light, one dark, that also indicate that what you see may not be exactly what you get.
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Smink kollektion inspirerad av TMI

The NYX Parallel Worlds Box is Dark, Mysterious, and Dangerous. Venture into this new collection inspired by The Mortal Instruments. Includes a 6 color smokey palette, the perfect pink blush, a neutral pink matte lip cream, black liquid liner, a vibrant jumbo eye pencil, and volumizing mascara. Everything you need to create an innocent day look inspired by Clary or a sultry night look inspired by Isabel.
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2014 TMI:City of Bones Kalender

Köp Bane Chronicles #2

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City of Ashes får premiär 2014

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Nytt datum för premiären i USA

Snippet från City of Heavenly Fire

His eyes shone when he looked at her, green as spring grass.
He has always had green eyes, said the voice in her head. People often marvel at how much alike you are, he and your mother and yourself. His name is Jonathan and he is your brother; he has always protected you.
Somewhere in the back of Clary’s mind she saw black eyes and whip marks, but she didn’t know why. He’s your brother. He’s your brother, and he’s always taken care of you.
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Nya postrar från City of Bones
Bokomslag för The Bane Chronicles #2

Magnus Bane has a royal role in the French Revolution—if the angry mobs don’t spoil his spells. One of ten adventures in The Bane Chronicles.
While in France, immortal warlock Magnus Bane finds himself attempting to rescue the royal family from the horrors of the French Revolution—after being roped into this mess by a most attractive count. Naturally, the daring escape calls for invisible air balloons…
This standalone e-only short story illuminates the life of the enigmatic Magnus Bane, whose alluring personality populates the pages of the #1 New York Times bestselling series The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. This story in The Bane Chronicles, The Runaway Queen, is written by Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson.
Provläs Stad av Skuggor
Spoiler Snippet från City of Heavenly Fire

A moment later, Helen had returned; she was walking slowly now, and carefully, her hand on the back of a thin boy with a mop of wavy brown hair. He couldn’t have been older than twelve, and Clary recognized him immediately. Helen, her hand firmly clamped around the wrist of a younger boy whose hands were covered with blue wax. He must have been playing with the tapers in the huge candelabras that decorated the sides of the nave. He looked about twelve, with an impish grin and the same wavy, bitter-chocolate hair as his sister.
Jules, Helen had called him. Her little brother.
The impish grin was gone now. He looked tired and dirty and frightened. Skinny wrists stuck out of the cuffs of a white mourning jacket whose sleeves were too long for him. In his arms he was carrying a little boy, probably not more than two years old, with the same wavy brown hair that he had; it seemed to be a family trait. The rest of his family wore the same borrowed mourning clothes: following Julian was a brunette girl about ten, her hand firmly clasped in the hold of a boy the same age: the boy had a sheet of tangled black hair that nearly obscured his face. Fraternal twins, Clary guessed. After them came a girl who might have been eight or nine, her face round and very pale between brown braids.
The misery on their faces cut at Clary’s heart. She thought of her power with runes, wishing that she could create one that would soften the blow of loss. Mourning runes existed, but only to honor the dead, in the same way that love runes existed, like wedding rings, to symbolize the bond of love. You couldn’t make someone love you with a rune, and you couldn’t assuage grief with it, either. So much magic, Clary thought, and nothing to mend a broken heart.
“Julian Blackthorn,” said Jia Penhallow, and her voice was gentle. “Step forward, please.”
Julian swallowed and handed the little boy he was holding over to his sister. He stepped forward, his eyes darting around the room. He was clearly scouring the crowd for someone. His shoulders had just begun to slump when another figure darted out onto the stage. A girl, also about twelve, with a tangle of blond hair that hung down around her shoulders: she wore jeans and a t-shirt that didn’t quite fit, and her head was down, as if she couldn’t bear so many people looking at her. It was clear that she didn’t want to be there — on the stage or perhaps even in Idris — but the moment he saw her, Julian seemed to relax. The terrified look vanished from his expression as she moved to stand next to him, her face ducked down and away from the crowd.
“Julian,” said Jia, in the same gentle voice, “would you do something for us? Would you take up the Mortal Sword?”
Fan-made City of Bones posters
Nya stills från City of Bones
Karaktärsposter på Magnus Bane
Ny bild på Simon
Karaktärsposter på Valentine
UK poster för The Mortal Instruments: Stad av Skuggor
Internationell trailer till Stad av Skuggor
Ny karaktärsposter på Simon Lewis
City of Ashes börjar inspelning till hösten

Första snippet från Lady Midnight

Första synopsis från City of Heavenly Fire
I am coming.
Darkness returns to the Shadowhunter world. As their society falls apart around them, Clary, Jace, Simon and their friends must band together to fight the greatest evil the Nephilim have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Nothing in the world can defeat him — must they journey to another world to find the chance? Lives will be lost, love sacrificed, and the whole world changed in the sixth and last installment of the Mortal Instruments series!