Cassandra Clare om City of Ashes filmen & vad hon saknade i City of Bones

Publicerad 2013-11-26 22:18:48 i Cassandra Clare, City of Ashes, City of Bones, The Mortal Instruments,

Cassandra Clare har äntligen börjat prata om City of Ashes, uppföljaren till City of Bones, som kommer att börja spelas in under 2014.
MTV fick en pratstund med Cassandra och hon säger följande om City of Ashes:
"Simon (Robert Sheehan) is turned into a vampire," Clare teases, "And he goes from being this human who's Clary's friend to this ravenous undead thing." Clare adds that she pushed for Sheehan in the role, with early discussions about his casting centering on how right he'd look stalking the night and sucking blood. "Robbie was actually my idea," she says. "I saw him in 'Misfits,' which is a big comedy hit in Britain, and he's just so good and yet also able to be heartbreaking and I thought he'll be great and he will enjoy the hell out of being a vampire."
What else can fans expect from "City of Ashes?" Well, Sigourney Weaver is joining the series as the Inquisitor. Describing the previously-announced casting, Clare says the character is "This badass, scary lady" that fans can expect to enjoy. Although she's sworn to secrecy about any other details for the adaptation, Clare says there's a massive battle on the deck of a warship capping the second story that she's excited to see onscreen.
Det fans även vissa saker som Cassandra saknade i City of Bones bland annat följande:
Clare says she had some "small" notes such as realizing that the character of Isabelle (Jemima West) went the entire movie without being named.
"In the books, the motorcycles can fly, and they didn't want to do flying motorcycles. We went back and forth on whether we should imply they can fly [laughs]."
Vill ni läsa hela intervjun kan ni göra det på MTVs hemsida.


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