Ställ dina frågor till Jamie, Lily och Robert via twitter

Publicerat: 2013-08-18, 16:37:44 i Jamie Campbell Bower, Lily Collins, Robert Sheehan, The Mortal Instruments,

Nu har ni eran chans att ställa frågor till Jamie, Lily och Robert. De kommer att ta över MTV UKs twitter imorgon (19 augusti) och ni kan ställa frågor till dem genom att använda hashtagen #MTVAskMortal.
Har ni några frågor på lager som ni alltid velat fråga dem, så är det dags nu att ställa dem. Någon som vill dela med sig här, vilka frågor ni kommer ställa?

[videor] Intervjuer med TMI-skådespelarna

Publicerat: 2013-08-17, 18:52:36 i Cassandra Clare, City of Bones, Godfrey Gao, Jamie Campbell Bower, Kevin Zegers, Lily Collins, TMI Skådespelare, The Mortal Instruments, Video, intervju,

Ett antal intervjuer med The Mortal Instruments skådespelarna har släppts. Istället för att göra en massa olika inlägg, så får ni dem här samlade.
Skådespelarna försöker lista ut vem som sagt vad i City of Bones.
ABC Family - on the set
ScreenSlam intervjuer
Cassandra Clare
Harald Zwart
Jared Harris
Jamie, Lily och Kevin intervju med ZayZay
Jamie, Lily och Kevin intervju
Jamie, Lily, Kevin och Cassandra om slutet på Stad av Skuggor
Indigo intervjuar Cassandra Clare

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones premiär i L.A

Publicerat: 2013-08-13, 12:48:30 i Bilder, City of Bones, Godfrey Gao, Jamie Campbell Bower, Kevin Zegers, Lily Collins, Robert Sheehan, TMI Skådespelare, The Mortal Instruments, Video,

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones hade L.A premiär igår, 12 augusti. I stort sett alla skådespelare från filmen var på premiären, bortsett från Jemima West (Isabelle), Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Valentine) och Lena Hedey (Jocelyn).
Skådespelarna och inbjudna gäster gick inte på röda mattan utan på svarta mattan, allt för att leva upp till skuggjägare-namnet.
Kolla in bilder och videor från premiären nedan.
källa 1 | 2 | 3

[videor] The Mortal Instruments Bakom kulisserna, Intervjuer & Scener

Publicerat: 2013-08-10, 17:47:00 i City of Bones, Jamie Campbell Bower, Jemima West, Kevin Zegers, Lily Collins, Robert Sheehan, TMI Skådespelare, The Mortal Instruments, Video, intervju,

En hel del videor med nytt material från bakom kulisserna, intervjuer med skådespelarna och några scener från The Mortal Instruments: Stad av Skuggor.
Bakom kulisserna videorna kan innehålla spoilers, så om ni inte vill vet, kolla inte på dem.
Bakom kulisserna:

Lily, Jamie & Cassandra Intervjuer och bilder från pressturnén i Philadelphia

Publicerat: 2013-08-04, 17:56:20 i Cassandra Clare, City of Bones, Jamie Campbell Bower, Lily Collins, The Mortal Instruments, Video, intervju,

Istället för att göra en mängd inlägg om pressdagen i Philadelphia som var den 2 augusti så får ni i detta inlägg de intervjuer och de bilder som finns på Lily, Jamie och Cassandra.
De besökte NBC10 Philadelphia för att kort prata om The Mortal Instruments och deras karriärer.
De träffade fans i Franklin Mills Mall där de svarade på fan frågor, vilka ni kan se i videorna nedan, som ett fan har filmat.

The Mortal Instruments skådespelarna på pressturné i Miami

Publicerat: 2013-08-01, 18:31:53 i City of Bones, Jamie Campbell Bower, Kevin Zegers, Lily Collins, The Mortal Instruments,

Pressturnén för The Mortal Instruments och skådespelarna Lily, Jamie och Kevin var igår (31/7) i Miami.
Liksom på de föregående ställen så svarade de på fanfrågor, visade klipp från filmen och skrev autografer.
Lite av det som de fick svara på under frågestunden:
Några bilder från eventet:

The Mortal Instruments skådespelarna på pressturné i Chicago

Publicerat: 2013-07-31, 14:51:36 i City of Bones, Jamie Campbell Bower, Kevin Zegers, Lily Collins, The Mortal Instruments,

Nästa stop på pressturnén inför The Mortal Instruments: Stad av Skuggor var Chigaco.
Igår (30/7) var Lily, Jamie och Kevin i en galleria i Chicago och liksom förra gången de träffade fansen så svarade de på fanfrågor, visade klipp från filmen och skrev autografer.
Bilder från eventet kan ni hitta nedan. Klicka på bilderna för att se dem i större format.

Lily Collins photoshoot och artikel för Seventeen

Publicerat: 2013-07-29, 18:33:23 i Lily Collins,

Fler bilder och artikeln om Lily som kommer att vara på omslaget till tidningen Seventeen i deras september nummer, har nu kommit ut.

Lily Collins spills ‘Mortal Instruments’ set secrets

How Lily Prepped To Play Clary

“I re-read the first book again [before filming]. I definitely did my research with the book. I talked to [author] Cassandra Clare about it, but the rehearsals were what really got me into Clary’s mindset. It was more about being on set, living in the moment, and seeing what came to me.”

What The First Day On Set Was Like

“On the very first day, everyone was pretty nervous, but also really excited. We started out filming the normal Clary world, so it wasn’t too hardcore the first couple of days. The first shot on the first day was epic. It was the scene in the movie where you first see Clary.”

Her Favorite Scene To Film

“Filming the greenhouse scene was really fun because it’s an epic scene that everyone is looking forward to and it’s in this beautiful greenhouse. The set was stunning. It’s exactly how you read it in the book. But all of the action fight sequences were really fun too because we trained so hard for them!”

The Hardest Scene To Film

“There is one scene with over 100 stunt guys playing vampires attacking us. The five main characters in that scene—including me—had all these crazy moves. It took so much choreography, dirt was flying everywhere, and plates were being thrown. There were so many chances to get injured, but since everything was choreographed, it worked.”

The Funniest Scene To Film

“We made every scene funny, even if it was intense! We joked around so much that usually the action scenes—which are usually the toughest—ended up being the funniest because someone would mess up and giggle.”

The Person On Set Who Surprised Her The Most

“I think Jonathan Rhys Meyers [who plays Valentine] surprised me the most. He’s so dedicated to each role, and I didn’t quite realize how perfect and intense he’d be as Valentine. His character is evil in the movie and Jonathan brings such life to him in a fearful, yet enticing manner. It was creepy yet so real at the same time!”

Her First Impression Of Jamie Campbell Bower

“I [immediately thought] Jamie was perfect as Jace. He is the best mixture of being so funny, confident, and witty, but at the same time shows a vulnerable side and isn’t afraid to be sensitive. I think it takes guys a lot to show both sides. Jamie is extremely talented and he just lights up a room.”

The Funniest Person On Set

“Kevin Zegers [who plays Alec] is hilarious. He just cracks everyone up all the time. He can be so deadpan with his jokes and his accents are really good!”

Lily’s Favorite Line In The Movie

“I love when Clary says, ‘I’m not a mundane.’ That the first time that she acknowledges that she’s not normal, and she accepts and embraces that. I like the tenacity she has when she says that. It shows her growth.”

What She Hopes People Learn From The Movie

“If you put your mind to it, you can do something bigger than yourself. At first, Clary didn’t want to accept that she had a strength she knew nothing about. She didn’t want to accept that she had a journey to go through, but along the way she learns a lot about herself. You can conquer and do more than you think you can.”

5 Things You Don’t Know About Lily Collins

She’s Embracing Her Spontaneous Side

“I used to be a big planner and had to have things figured out ahead of time, but I’m learning to love living in the moment. Last night, I called my friend up randomly and said, ‘Where are you? I want to come see you!’ It’s not a new version of me. I’m just embracing it more.”

She’s Not Hiding Her Relationship With Co-Star Jamie Campbell Bower

“We’ve made a conscious decision to go out and live life. I’m not one to hide anything, but I don’t feel the need to comment directly on it…I think it would be a shame to not live in the moment and not enjoy everything that’s happening in fear of other people’s opinions.”

She Was A Good Girl In High School

“I didn’t feel the pleasure in drinking or doing drugs. I wanted to remember the fun moments that I had with my friends and not wake up and go, ‘Um, I think I had fun?’”

She’s Developing A New Sense Of Style

“I’ve definitely edged-up my style a little, but not for any reason other than I’m experimenting with myself. I always wanted tattoos, so this past November, I got two. I got my back done first and its my handwriting and it says, ‘Love, always and forever.’”

She Looks Up To Jennifer Lawrence and Kristen Stewart

“I admire how they’ve both handled the fame that came with those roles and their ability to step outside those roles and do other projects. That’s what I want to do: balance fun big movies with gritty passion projects I love.”

Lily Collins’ Fashion Faves

Lily talked about doing stunts on The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones in heels:

“That was part of the struggle with the stunts. It’s one thing doing it in yoga pants, it’s another to do it in a short dress and heels. […]Even though Clary is not 100% comfortable in them because that’s not who she is, she owns it because she starts to own her power!”

On what guys love most:

“To guys, if you’re confident, that’s appealing.”

On how Clary has influenced her style:

“I never normally would have worn probably as much leather. I’ve definitely edged-up my style a little bit! It’s fun to experiment like that.”

On her favorite style on guys:

“I like someone who’s interesting and has a bit of an edge. Someone who’s into fashion as well, and can appreciate when I throw on something and even say, “Hey I like that jacket.” [Fashion is] a form of self-expression that some people shy away from—but in a guy it’s really attractive!”

On her first-day outfit flop:

“I remember my outfit was so horrendous! I think it was, like, cargo shorts with a t-shirt with a slogan on it and a sweatband and flip-flops. Everyone had their own look, which I was really surprised about—that first day was really a reminder to me that I can really be whoever I want to be.”

On her current personal style:

“I’m big on layering—you never know with the weather in L.A! I like skinny jeans. I’m definitely a comfort girl but at the same time I like to look put together. And I love an ankle boot.”
