Nytt citat med Magnus Bane

Publicerad 2018-07-20 19:36:50 i Cassandra Clare, Citat,

Cassandra Clare har delat ett nytt citat via tumblr, med ingen mindre än Magnus Bane. Men Cassandra har valt att låta oss gissa från vilken av hennes kommande böcker som citatet är ifrån då hon inte ger någon som helst information om det.

It was late, and someone was trying to break into the High Warlock of Brooklyn’s apartment.

​Magnus Bane, the High Warlock in question, felt this behavior was rash and foolish. He’d been passed out on his still-made bed, too exhausted to slip under the burgundy and emerald sheets, or even take off his robe, when he heard the noise of his window sliding open. He was grateful for the robe. He felt it would be demoralizing to face housebreakers in nothing but silk pajama bottoms.

​Also, the housebreakers had done nothing to deserve such a sight.

Vilken av Cassies kommande böcker tror ni att citatet är ifrån?


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